

Community Outreach and Education on Systemic Racism

(Vermont, ongoing)

This is an ongoing approach to teaching the root causes and impacts of, as well as solutions to,  systemic racism. This has consisted of community forums, presentations in the Vermont legislature,  game nights, film viewings, and community events that highlight key issues and involve the  community in discussions and enable them to contribute to solutions. Transforming the approach to a fully on-line experience, these events are all webinars and on-line meetings serving hundreds of  people across Vermont.


Operation Phoenix R.I.S.E.

(Vermont, ongoing)

This is an ongoing campaign to transform the lives of Black and Brown people by investing in their  lives, holding space for their cultures, providing them opportunities, and ensuring them the equity they deserve to thrive. This work has involved directing and influencing stakeholders in negotiations that result in a reduction in law enforcement funding and a reallocation of resources to provide cultural and economic empowerment, equity, and equal opportunity to BIPOC community members. The resolution for reduction in policing and establishment of Racial Justice Fund are complete. As a declaration of racism as a public health emergency has now been implemented, work facilitating community discussions about a new vision of health and safety continues.  


Addressing Policing and Equity in Burlington

(Burlington, Vermont, ongoing)

This project focused on implementing a solution to disproportionate use of force on Black and  Brown folks in Burlington. The project entailed consulting with the City Council and the Mayor to enact  measures, including changes in processes, policies, and personnel. We provided high-level  presentations outlining challenges and proposing options for resolution. We collaborated with the  Human Resources Committee, community members, and other stakeholders on forming solutions.  We successfully advocated at city council for the creation of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, a Special Committee on Policing and Policy, and a Director of Racial Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.